From spreadsheets to automated task management

Products Used: CISOteria's Security Operations

We use CISOteria as a security task management solution that offers analytics and insights.

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The Challenge

You manage your security team’s tasks with a dozen Excel spreadsheets, which are always outdated, don’t show the overall picture, and don’t cover ad-hoc activities. You spend most of your team meetings reviewing these files.

How Will You Improve

Oversee your strategy efficiency 24/7

CISOteria streamlines and automates your security task management, tracking and prioritizing tasks 24/7. Each task is connected to the relevant business risk, so you can easily assess its impact urgency, and role in the big picture. Focus on what matters in security!

What Will You Gain

  • Better control of your security tasks
  • Well-established and managed processes reduce vulnerabilities and risk
  • More structure and planning, fewer ad-hoc activities
  • More effective utilization of your team’s resources


Control Your Security Workflow

CISOteria provides a bird’s eye view on your security tasks, so you can make sure all processes flow as needed.

Prioritize Tasks

CISOteria connects each task to the relevant risk score, so you can assign appropriate resources to the right areas.

100% Efficiency

No more cumbersome, ineffective Excels spreadsheets and wasted time reviewing them.

Now you can control and monitor security tasks with 100% efficiency

With a strategic security approach, you’ll be able to manage all tasks automatically, wisely, and with the right focus.

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Imagine moving from chaos to clarity

5 practical tips from seasoned CISOs